
My daughter’s first word to Naushad was, “Help!” Within hours Naushad arranged to meet with her and guide her through the much-dreaded college essay process. My daughter returned from that meeting with a smile and a lightness I hadn’t seen in weeks. Naushad warmly welcomed Kim’s strategy for her essay while offering suggestions and critiques to guide Kim with her vision. Within a week her essay was transformed from an idea into a polished personal statement, and what impressed me the most was that I clearly heard my daughter’s voice throughout the essay; this was her story. Anyone who can make a stressed out teenaged girl smile during the college application process is a treasure indeed. Thank you, Naushad.
— Lauren R., parent
We were delighted with the help we received from Naushad. She is articulate, organized, patient and kind. My daughter ended up with an essay that was well thought out, well presented, and reflected her very creative ideas... And yes, my daughter got into her number one choice of high school and college!
— Yasmen T., parent
A clean sweep. Holy cow. Thank you so much for your support!
— High School Parent
As a parent I felt even though I could offer my daughter advice, it was far better to have a professional like Naushad to work with her. The process was fruitful, positive and very rewarding.
— Carolyn K., parent
Naushad was incredibly helpful. The college essay process is very stressful and she helped me organize my thoughts, develop them and express my ideas in the most fluent way. It’s very difficult to formulate a 600 word essay that captures the image you want to portray to a college, and I personally struggled with it a lot before I met with Naushad. She both encouraged and directed me in the most beneficial way. I ended up with a college essay that I’m not only extremely proud of, but also one that I believe conveys my personality and ideas in the exact way that I wanted them to be presented.
— Nicole L., student
Thank you so much for helping me through the school application process. You were so helpful. It was fun to have appointments with you.
— High school student
She got her acceptance letter yesterday, and I have never seen her so happy. We could not have done this without your input and guidance.
— High school parent
At The New School we strive to look beyond numbers, test scores and grades to get a fuller picture of the students applying to our university. With each new class, we seek a diverse collection of intellectually engaged, creatively inspired students. A well written and expressive essay provides a great opportunity to tell a college something more and deeper about yourself. Naushad Mehta brings years of professional experience as a writer and journalist, and wisdom about expressing oneself authentically, to support applicants in crafting college essays which genuinely distinguish them.
— Anne A., Chief Marketing Officer at The New School
You handled our son in a way we never could, and you made him feel so empowered that I am sure he will thrive in his new school. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you thank you thank you!
— High school parent