Frequently Asked Questions


+ Will you write the essay for me?

No, we will never write an essay for any of our students. We will help, guide, and prod, if necessary, so that each essay reflects the student’s own unique voice.

+ How long does it take?

From start to finish, the process typically takes 10-14 days. It can go faster or slower depending on the student and the quality of the writing.

+ Do you guarantee admission to my school of choice?

No, we cannot guarantee admission to any college or university. The essay is a significant component of a total admissions package that includes grades, test scores, extracurricular activities, and more. We do offer insights, guidance, and know-how to help you create an essay that will increase your odds of being noticed and making an impact on college admissions officers.

+ How much does it cost?

Essay packages range in price from $1,500 to $3,500. Additionally, we offer customizable packages, or can provide hourly assistance at $400 per hour.

+ How are you different from other essay consulting companies?

Unlike large essay writing companies, we are small, select, and very hands on. Our emphasis is on quality, not quantity. We do not hire a bunch of recent college graduates to assist. You will work one-on-one with an experienced, professional, dedicated editor with the skill and expertise to make your essay (and you) shine.

+ How do I work with you?

We work primarily through video chat, email, and phone. In-person meetings can be arranged in the New York City and Long Island area.

+ What if I don’t have the writing skills necessary to submit a great essay?

No worries. It is our job to help and guide you through the process. You are in great hands with us.

+ What is your privacy policy?

We take your privacy seriously. Your essays belong to you. We will never share or sell your work, your name, or contact information to a third party.

+ How do I get started?

Send us an email at, or call us at (631) 553-0441.

+ Can I get continued assistance?

Yes. We provide writing and editing help for essays and beyond—including reports, school assignments, papers, letters, thank you notes, and more.

+ Once I’m in college will you still be able to help me?

Yes. As writing and editing professionals, we will assist you with any of your college writing assignments.